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Snagit 10 Ko & En - 캡처


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  10.0.1 Added support for image and text scrolling capture on
Internet Explorer 9 and Firefox 4.
Fixed a bug where Snagit crashes or is sluggish when used on a system with multiple monitors.
Fixed a bug where Snagit Editor hangs or crashes when saving an image.
Fixed a problem with custom scrolling where the left side of the captured image was cut-off.
Fixed a crash bug related to USB storage device notifications.
Fixed a problem with Active window capture where a completely transparent capture was taken.
Fixed a bug where Snagit Editor would crash on startup in environments with network printers.
Fixed a problem with the image resizing dialog where in some situations it would not allow changing the height and/or width.
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간단하게나마 지난 버전에 더해 한글화를 해봤습니다
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